In 2008, the former
Symbian Software Limited was acquired by
Nokia and a new independent non-profit organisation called the
Symbian Foundation was established.
Symbian OS and its associated user interfaces
UIQ and
MOAP(S) were contributed by their owners to the foundation with the objective of creating the
Symbian platform as a royalty-free,
open sourcesoftware. The platform has been designated as the successor to Symbian OS, following the official launch of the Symbian Foundation in April 2009. Symbian was officially released into Open source world in Feb 2010 .
Symbian is the world's most popular mobile operating system, accounting for 45% of
smartphone sales
Symbian Foundation was announced in June 2008 and came into existence in 2009. Its objective was to publish the source for the entire Symbian platform under the
OSI- and
Eclipse Public License (EPL). However, components within Symbian OS were licensed from third parties which prevented the foundation from publishing the full source under EPL immediately, instead initially much of the source was published under a more restrictive Symbian Foundation License (SFL) and available to foundation member companies only. Symbian Foundation announced the completion of releasing the entire Symbian platform as open source under
EPL on 4 February 2010
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