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Friday, May 7, 2010

increase speed of internet

http://brachinus.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/internet_speed.jpgIam like many of you a regular internet surfer and there is nothing more irritating than an internet connection that is slower than what your internet provider had offered you.In most occassions its not the problem of the service rather its your own computer which is affecting the speed.Here i have tried my best to point out all the major  factors that lead to slow speed internet.
  1. accessing the web during peak hours
  2. download manager could be downloading files in the background
  3. being too far off from the internet router while accessing the Internet over Wi-Fi
  4. Test #1. Power-cycle the router and modem – unplug the cables, wait for couple of minute and then power on the modem followed by the router.
    If you have been experiencing connectivity issues after a power-outage, power cycling will most probably fix the issue.
    Test #2. Close all applications including any firewalls and anti-virus software. Then open speedtest.net to determine the actual download and upload speed of your Internet connection.
    If you have Wi-Fi at your place, remove the router for a moment and connect the ADSL modem directly to your computer’s Ethernet port via a physical LAN cable. Repeat the speed test. Did you see any improvement in the connection speed?
    Test #3. To ensure that none of the viruses or spyware programs are responsible for your slow Internet, open command prompt and run the following command:

    netstat –b –f 5
    This will easily help you figure out if any of the programs on your computer are silently connecting to the Internet without your knowledge. Should you find a strange process in the netstat result listing, kill it through the Task Manager.
    Test #4. If your Internet speed woes aren’t over yet, it’s time to inspect the phone line. No, you don’t have to climb that telephone pole as the stats from your DSL modem /router will alone give the required data.
    Open the web dashboard of your modem /router and note the following values for the downstream connection (not upstream). The fields are generally available under Statistics –> ADSL.
    ADSL Line 
    1. Line Attenuation (or Loop Loss) – It measures how much signal is lost between the phone exchange and your modem. Great the distance between the exchange and your home, the higher the attenuation. Anything below 50dB is considered acceptable.
    2. Sync Speed (or Rate) – The speed at which the router connects to the exchange equipment.
    3. SNR Margin (or Noise Margin) – This represents the difference between your current SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and the SNR that’s required to serve a particular speed. If the SNR Margin is low, you may experience frequent disconnections. Ideally, this should be 12dB or higher.
    Once you have all these values, paste them into the ADSL Calculator and it will give you an estimate of the maximum speed that you get from the ISP.
    If the SNR Margin is low or the Line Attenuation is high or if the calculated maximum speed is lesser than what you are paying for, the fault lies somewhere between your modem and the phone exchange. Keep a record of all these values at different times of the day and give your phone company a calls at its something that only they can fix.

    Increase speed of  UTORRENT


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